Symphony of Soil Weekly 2

So due to being out of town, this is more than a week after the last, but still serves the same purpose!

So let me talk about what I've been working on this week!

I really wanted there to be a classic "Exploring cave" section. This is a staple of this genre as allows you to explore and discover things in a new context. I went back and forth on how I wanted to implement it, but I think I found a good choice for it! 

Right now the feature is working pretty well! There are small caves to explore where with a handy metal detector you are looking for "major" artifacts of people who used to live in this massive tunnel system. As you get closer the beeping gets louder, and it sounds different based on if anything if a wall is between you  or not. Combined with "minor" artifacts both to reward additional exploration and tempt you off the easy path, the player can choose how quickly to explore the endless tunnels.

These are tied into the history of the town and why it was founded, with a much larger story than the simple one from the game Jam, there is a lot to learn about the town now.

Also you can use your energy to make things easier in the tunnels! You will be able to dig "forward" through walls, in this case being up! You have strict instructions never to mine to the left or right, as that's where support structures are. So having gotten your energy up or a large amount of food will make the task much easier, as instead of navigating a tunnel, you can burrow through the thinner walls of the structure.

It's sounding rather good at this point, and next week I hope to let folks listen to the cave exploration system! 

As well as this, more of my "Second" generation NPC's are being made! They function much cleaner, are less buggy, and easier for me to add. So I'm very glad I took the time to redesign it.

As well as those two, I also have redesigned the town! With many more NPC's the tiny town of the past no longer was possible, and I'm working on adding more personality to buildings. 

Progress has been slow but steady, and I'm always happy to share progress! Currently the game is in a weird state, with many half finished features. So it will still be some time before another Demo version is out. But as always I'm excited to be working on it!

As always feel free to follow me on twitter for daily updates and a chance to ask me questions directly!

Thanks so much for your time and have a wonderful day!

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