Symphony of Soil Weekly #1

Hello everyone!

So I haven't made an update in a bit as I've been wrestling with plans for the game, and also some things in my life are changing! Previously I've been able to dedicate a lot of time to making games, which is why I was able to enter so many game jams and pour so much time into them. But going forward my schedule will work where I will spend 1 hour a day working on the game, then either saturday/sunday will be a larger work day.

I may sometimes spend more time than that, but that will be the general rule! On the end of each work day I plan to post a devlog to let people know how to the game is going! So let's go over what I did this week!

This last week was all about NPC's. I wrote 20 NPC's and probably will discard half of them, and then refine the other half. On top of that I'm completely redoing the code for how NPC's are handled. This way all of them work similarly, which means I can add them faster, they are less prone to bugs, and it's easier to understand what they do. No more weird menus for every NPC.

Right now I'm leaning towards all "Standard" NPC's having 13 lines of dialogue. You will get a special one the first time you meet them, then a few times once when you reach a mile stone (similar to a cut scene) , then otherwise get dialogue based on how friendly you are with that person. In the Prototype the only NPC's were people you could get an ending with, this of course will no longer be the case. You'll be able to meet all sorts of people who make the town run, are visiting, or maybe even are planning on leaving.

As part of the NPC rewrite I'm also rewriting much of the lore of the game as I'm deciding how NPC's interact. As well as that I'm planning 2 new activities to go along foraging, fishing, and farming. But those are more in planning stages.

It will still be awhile before any of these changes get updated, but the proto type is still available to have an idea of how the mechanics will work.


Symphony of Soil Bugfix 59 MB
Jan 25, 2022
CREDITS.txt 226 bytes
Jan 25, 2022
Grocery store.txt 504 bytes
Jan 25, 2022
Jan 25, 2022

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