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I have noticed, that there are two same rings in spot 1 and 2 in smith. Please, fix It also.

Also, what happened, when I have connected with somebody?

Oh no! So strange, will look into that.

And when you give someone a ring you get the ending scene and that's the end of the game! But the save file saves before that, so you can get all the endings on one save file at once.

In future versions that will be very different, but for now finding a partner ends the game. 


Here is Marco. I have noticed one bug in the shopping. When I pressed shift+3, I buy or sell some item, as It is on shift+2.

Please, could You fix this bug? Also, I am confused with information by pressing F6 key. Nextly, where is savegame file for remove It?

Thank You for explanation. Also, idea of this game is great, so keep working.

Oh strange! I'm going to majorly change how some things are bought/sold so those should be fixed in time.

F6 is how much money you have! I need to fix it so it says it as a proper number, so if it says "2" "3"1" it just means you have 231 money.

And yes to delete the save file just type this into file browser:%localappdata% 

Then delete the folder Symphony of Soil.

Thank You.


Looks pretty good for now. I can't tell a whole ton yet since this is basically just a demo video though. I can watch the video you posted, but navigating twitter for most other things is rather difficult for me since there's too much on the webpage and it just gets very confusing, so I can't really check there for updates. I'd love to try out any kind of playable demo for you whenever you get that ready for basic testing though. Like I've said before (I think I mentioned it on one of your game pages somewhere,) I'm not a dev or anything, but I'm pretty good with blind accessible technology and figuring out how stuff works as long as there's sound to work with, so I can always help with making sure a blind person can play whatever you create. I don't have any usable vision though (did when I was a kid, but nothing for over 10 years now,) so I can';t help with the low vision side of things though.

Oh I'm sorry to hear it's troublesome!

I'll make sure to post updates here too! And yeah in that one I didn't really explain what I was doing, I'm going to make a better video with me explaining what's going on soon, and I'll for sure have you test once it's in a better state!

Yeah, twitter's just very confusing is all and facebook isn't much better so I prefer here ... Thanks for keeping that in mind now that you know. Definitely looking forward to whatever you do with this and can't wait to see what you can make out of this idea here.

hHow's the development coming along for this?

It's going great! I need to be better and post updates here, been posting a lot of things on twitter!

Here's walking around and visiting the store in a small clip!

There is a small video accompaniment that just shows some generic back grounds, and then a portrait of a girl with slightly dark skin, and long curly hair that is dyed at the tips. But it's mostly all about showing off the audio!